Hey y'all! Welcome to my first blog post! I'm so excited and proud of myself for not only creating this website but for starting my very own blog. If you don't already know, my name is Kimberly, but almost everybody who's anybody calls me Kim, so feel free to do so as well. I've never blogged before but if there's two things I'm good at, it's talking A LOT and writing, so I have a feeling that I'll get the hang of things pretty quickly.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, and the fact that I graduated this year, (shout out to the class of 2020!) I have finally had time to read for pleasure, focus on my passions, SLEEP and accomplish some personal projects, this website being one of them. My goals for this online portfolio/blog are to share my poetry, favourite lines from my pieces, thoughts on social activism issues, and all around lifestyle/personal experiences. In short, there's going to be a little bit of everything on here.
Through sharing my poetry, I'd also like to talk about the stories and inspiration behind my pieces, explain my creative process, answer questions and gain feedback from all of you. It would be amazing to have a platform where my work can be viewed and shared by many. If my pieces could reach just one new person who needs to hear them, that would make me extremely happy. Check out the "My Story" section on the home page to read all about how I got into writing and why I continue to do it to this day. Check out the "Videos" section for my two spoken word performances of "Black without Apology" and "Modern Day Slavery". If you follow me on Instagram, you probably already know both pieces word for word at this point, but of course I had to post them here as well. Finally, check out the "Poetry" section for written formats of both poems as well as a couple never-before-seen exclusives that just hit the streets. Feel free to browse the entire website as well as leave likes and comments! I definitely worked very hard on it and I'm proud of the outcome and where it could be even a couple months down the road.
I thought it would be cool to share a couple random facts about me so you can get to know the girl behind the website, blog, and poems. So, allow me to introduce myself and get the ball rolling with 10 random facts about lil 'ol me:
I've been in the performing arts for as long as I can remember. Playing in orchestras, singing, dancing, acting, anything on a stage, really. I love everything that comes with the arts, but music specifically has definitely had my heart since I was 3 years old
My favorite colors are nudes/neutrals but there's something about a pastel pink, white and gold combo that gives me LIFE, hence the colour scheme of this website
I was born in Canada but my folks are from a little island with a BIG influence called Jamaica (RAYYYY)
My favourite food is pasta, so if you can cook a bomb spaghetti, you probably already have a piece of my heart
I looovveeee a good horror movie, true crime documentary, or comedy and could binge watch these genres for hours
My favorite genres of music are R&B, hiphop/rap & classical but I can honestly appreciate anything with a good beat and quality lyricism. My playlist has everything from 50 cent to Dolly Parton and that's on RANGE!
I love to read! No, "love" is an understatement. I actually used to work at a book store and enjoyed every second of it (except when customers gave me a hard time about things I couldn't change)
I'm an ambivert! I can be very social and outgoing but also really cherish my time away from the world to enjoy my own presence and recharge. I've been loving quarantine because of this.
I don't get to travel a whole lot but when I do, I love every minute of it. I hope to go to Italy and New York City to watch a Broadway show one day
and last but not least,
10. I don't really like school! (that was me sugarcoating the word "hate") BUT I really value education and believe that there is plenty to learn both in and outside of the classroom (plus there's not much you can do without a degree these days so uni here I come)
Now that you know me a bit better, I hope you can enjoy this journey with me as much as I enjoy sharing it with all of you. Thank you for the constant support. With growth in mind always, things can truly only go up from here.
Peace, love & gratitude always,